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The exclusive aircrew scheduling platform
that is ready to serve your aviation organization

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Securely organized with the latest technology available, ProFlyt delivers an extremely versatile platform to create, view, edit, manage, record, and review your participation in real-time.


The ProFlyt platform allows users to view and interact with their Squadron Schedule on any desktop or mobile device.

Squadron Schedulers are no longer tethered to their government computer when urgent schedule changes need to be applied.

Schedulers can create, edit, view, and send notifications via their mobile devices in a secure manner.


Individuals may request to participate in specific events that fit their schedule and training requirements.

When a participation request is made, Schedulers will receive a notification, providing the option to Approve or Decline the individual request.


ProFlyt was created by a former Air Force Reserve Pilot and Aircrew Scheduler to provide a scheduling platform that is versatile enough to adapt to the most dynamic scheduling environment. We set out to simplify the demanding scheduling process by giving individual aircrew members the ability to securely view and interact with the flying schedule through their mobile devices. This real-time scheduling transparency enables aircrew members to selectively prioritize their participation, while simultaneously providing the squadron scheduler a solid level of voluntary participation to aid in filling their flying, simulator, ground training, and TDY schedule. ProFlyt is also available for AE and Maintenance Squadrons, as well as your civilian flying operation.

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